Monday, August 18, 2008

What a week...

You know that lovely restful weekend that I was going to have to get over my illness? Well... Isn't it always the way...I spent till 2am on Saturday with Lauren at the hospital. The diagnoses is asthma and that makes both the kids now!! Sunday I slept almost all day and the rest of the week our whole family spent slowly recovering from the dreaded lurgy.

There hasn't been alot of time for scrapbooking because along with recuperating we have been watching the Olympics. We loooooooooovvvvvvvvvve the Olympics!!!

When I was a girl in 1976 I kept a scrapbook of the Montreal (Canada) Olympic games. Back then a scrapbook consisted of a large book with off white pages with many pictures, photos and memorabilia stuck in with Perkins Paste. I treasured that scrapbook and I can still tell you facts from that year - the Olympic flame went out when it rained heavily, many African nations boycotted the games after New Zealand was allowed to compete (can't remember exact details but I'm sure you could google the reason) and the Soviet Union won the most medals with 49 gold and 125 overall. Australia was not in the top ten medal count and only had about 180 athletes compete. How times have changed.

In 2000, I went mad with collecting STUFF about the games. Steve and I landed tickets to the Opening Ceremony rehearsal (the only thing missing from the real thing was the athletes and the goodie bag), Steve was lucky to get invited to several events (really good ones too) through work and clients, Lauren (who was 8) and I went to the Equestrian - I was devastated to miss out on Swimming and Gymnastics through the ballot thingy they ran for tickets BUT I was lucky with the Paralympics, where I was given tickets for the Opening ceremony and the athletics events where Lauren and Madi were excited to cheer Louise Savage to victory in her events and the girls had their photos taken with several athletes and even wore their medals for photos with them (every scrapbookers dream). The Paralympic athletes were incredibly kind and generous to my two little ones and it is an experience they will never forget.

Have I scrapped all these memories I might hear you ask. I scrapped the page of Lozzy and I at the equestrian everything else is sadly still in a huge box under my desk.

So, I guess it's challenge time again...although this time I'll need more than a week.

I promise I will pull the box out from under the desk by the end of the week!!

Just kidding!! I will get everything sorted by the end of the Olympics (GULP) and then start my scrapbook. I will keep you posted on how it's going.

Your challenge...what do you have in the way of a large event that you have been putting off? Get it out and have it sorted by the time the Oympic closing ceremony has ended and then you can get going on the actual page or pages. Good luck.

I have two new features to my blog (both are on the right hand side of the blog) - one is called Creative Scrapbooking which is a collection of layouts and will feature a new layout each day, the second is Scrapbooking Quotes which will also update each day. I hope you enjoy looking at them.

Till next time....Happy Scrapbooking!!

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