Monday, August 23, 2010

Hunter Valley and extras...

I wonder where the time has seems like not that long ago that Steve and I went to the Hunter Valley on our trip away.

We've been pretty busy with work etc and the kids seem to be getting more and more social the older they get...well alot more social than us!!

Madi got her braces on her top teeth (bottom teeth are still to come) and Lozzie has now got a learners drivers license - that's been a bit frightening especially when she first started to drive...

We have booked a trip away with friends on a cruise up to North Queensland and I am getting very excited about that. I have always wanted to go to Cairns and the Whitsundays and now it's only 3 months away...Yay!!

I have put myself on an exercise regime to get myself trim for the trip..,.the first week consisted of me telling myself that I should start exercising to get into shape for the trip - that week went really well. The second week I told my hubby about my excersice plans and he thought they sounded good and so I am on my way...

The third week which was last week both my kids have cooked yummy deserts on several occassions so I decided to take a break seeing my plan was on track!!

So far... I am doing quite well although I'm not sure how trim I am going to be when we set sail!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Matter of Memories...

I am really excited cause I found this unreal blog called A Matter of Memories by Jill Paulson who shares her Creativity Prompts each month to get you inspired each month with your scrapping. I have added her button to my on it to have a can sign up for her newsletter also - Great blog Jill!!

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