Friday, October 2, 2009


My busy couple of weeks are now over - Dad's 70th birthday was fabulous and he was so surprised that my brother and his family had flown in from Noosa. We had a great sit down family dinner on the Saturday night and a picnic at Rouse Hill Regional Park on the Sunday which we all enjoyed.

I took Dad and his 4 granddaughters down to our local park for a "photo shoot" - it was quite difficult to get just the right photo with all the girls smiling etc (of course my Madi was in a "mood" but she eventually came good) and here is one that I took.

My brother-in-law's 18th went really well and he loved his cake. All his family and friends were there to help him celebrate. His Dad cooked a lamb on the spit and we had all the great salads, desserts etc that goes with an Aussie backyard celebration. It was great!!

I finished his 8x8 album and it was a hit - I did all matching paper throughout the entire album to make it easier and then I put the photos in chronological order. Steve and I then put little humourous notes etc throughout.

Of course, with all the running around all week I forgot to take a photo of it but I will next time I go to Newcastle and see them.

Then finally, last weekend Steve and I finally got away for our 20th wedding anniversary.

My parents came down on the Friday and looked after the kids and we had a lovely relaxing weekend at our van at Anna Bay.

On the Saturday we went for a drive to Morpeth and wandered along the old fashioned street - visited the teddy bear shop, the old lolly shop and the ginger beer store for tastings. We then drove into Nelsons Bay for fish and chips. YUM!!

A weekend without kids is recommended every so often to unwind and just be a couple for awhile. Although when we arrived home on the Sunday we were very quickly reminded what our life is like with one 15 year old girl and one almost (only 2 months off) 13 year old girl and all that goes with the attitudes of teenagers!! Yuck - but I love them and I missed them and I wouldn't swap them for the world (only sometimes!!).

Happy scrapping to you all and I hope the wind has now removed itself from Sydney and stays away for good.

Kylie xx

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