Monday, September 15, 2008

A challenge for you...

Today I'm issuing a challenge to you all. Let me know how you do...

Think about music and how it affects your life. Do you bop around the house to your favourite tune while cleaning (I do)?Maybe you enjoy karaoke and can't resist the urge to get up and have a go (I definitely don't). Does a particular tune on the radio evoke emotions and memories that are special? Is it an old disco number or maybe a song from a movie. Why not incorporate song lyrics or journaling about how a song moves you into your pages.

Here are some ideas:

* Holidays. Is there a song that embodies your emotions about the holiday season? Maybe the lyrics remind you of your childhood or a special time in your life.

* Love. What song speaks the most to you and your significant other? Why?

* Inspiration. When you need a boost of confidence, what music do you turn to? What words inspire you the most?

* Comfort. Is there a sad song that speaks to your soul when it needs a little comfort?

* Children. Is there a lullaby you sing to your child? Do the words hold special meaning? Maybe it was a song sung to you by your own mother. Does it still touch you now?

What is your life's soundtrack? Think about songs that have meaning to you, those specials songs or a new song that touches you. Why not write down your feelings about it.

Have a go at designing a page this week based on how music touches you...

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