Friday, July 25, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

I have finally done it - created a BLOG!! I thought what better way to share my ramblings, thoughts, tips and tricks with you than to put them in a blog. So, here goes....

The kids have gone back to school after 3 weeks and 1 day on hols (and who is counting) we have finally got back into our routine. Steve can work again without being interrupted by the kids. The 14 week old pup Bronson is sleeping through the night, eating well, putting on weight and keeping Benji well and truly occupied. Life on the home front is once again ...dare I say it....NORMAL!!

At the shop I am getting used to our new hours and am enjoying opening all the new stock that has been arriving. I'm like a kid in a lolly shop each time I open a box - but scapbooking products are better than lollies!!

In the slideshow (on the right) I have included the photos from our Scrapbooking weekend away this year. Have a look - they're great!

Plans are under way for some exciting Christmas classes - we are already putting together the annual Christmas Card classes and we will once again have mini books and more off the page projects for everyone.

Sharon showed me an article this week that asks the question

"What's The Best Scrapbooking Advice You've Ever Received?"

I'd love it if you would share with us all, here at my blog, the answer to that question. What advice have you been given or read in a mag somewhere that has helped you in your scrapping journey.
Here's my tip...I tell this to everyone, especially in my classes...
There are no mistakes in scrapbooking - if you think you've made one then look at it as the perfect opportunity to embellish!!

You know what I find the hardest thing is with scrapbooking - TIME - I know that we all find it hard to put aside time to do a page, so this week I am setting myself a goal to complete a double page layout by the end of the week. That's a simple enough task. (Isn't it?)
Why don't you do the same, go on, one double page FINISHED by next Friday!!

I'll show you mine then - here on my blog.
GOOD LUCK (I think I'll need it too).

1 comment:

Rachel Hair said...

Hey Kylie and all the Memories In the Making fans. I totally agree that "time" is one of the biggest hurdles in scrapbooking.

I found out I was pregnant third time round just after the 2007 weekend away. I was obviously very excited but was physically under the weather.

Charlotte is now almost 5 months old and is still not sleeping through so you can imagine that I have not been very organised let alone present here on earth.

I had a couple of girlfriends around just before the school holidays and finally completed the last page I had started which was back in August last year (yes 2007!!!)

I seriously need to and desperately want to get back into scrapping so have decided to take Kylie up on her challenge - to complete a page (hopefully a double layout although I don't want to set my sights too high considering I can't even get to my supplies) by FRIDAY!!!

Kylie's advice of "no mistakes" has also stood well in my mind. My scrapping advice to anyone is don't be afraid to do whatever it is that you want to do whether it be sanding, inking, painting or trying something completely new!!!

So stay tuned to find out whether I live up to Kylie's challenge!!

Till then,

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