Saturday, March 20, 2010

Recipe Album Idea...

With the Basic Grey Nook and Pantry Collection I am planning a major scrapbooking project that I would like to share with you.

A few years ago my Dad gave me a recipe that he had found tucked away in one of his cookbooks. It was hand written on lined note paper by my Mum (who passed away when I was 16) and although I remember the recipe as one I didn't particularly like as a kid, the fact that it was written by my Mum brought back so many memories of her.

The paper is almost falling apart so I immediately put it into an acid free album to preserve it. then I got to thinking...I would like to scrapbook an album of my families favourite recipes - the ones they are known for Eg: my mother-in-law's caramel slice which everyone loves, Steve's Nonna's spaghetti which, forget seconds, we all go back for fifths!!

I have asked different family members to HAND write their recipe and then I have chosen a photo of them and I will scrapbook an album for each of my girls using BG's Nook and Pantry. I will then give the album as a gift to each of them when they leave home.

Some of the photos I have actually had the girls pose with the family member just to add a difference to the photos.

This idea has been simmering in me for years but I obviously was waiting for this beautiful paper range to come along to get it started.

Of course, there was one little dilemma, as I have been able to have each family member write their recipe out twice - one for each of my girls, I only have one of my Mums receipe - who gets the original??

Easy - I do!! I will photocopy it for the girls recipe album and keep the original myself. Just so i can hold on to my memories -Love you Mum xx.

Why don't you have a think about doing a family recipe album - it would make a great heirloom.

Now to get started....

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